Treatments for Sports Podiatry

Sports Podiatry forest hill is a specified area of medicine and physical treatment which is especially concerned with the problems of athletes and sports individuals due to their abnormal routine involving movement of body and excessive exertion. Sports Medicine is a specialized field that treats the issues of the athletes, so their focus and career is not disturbed. Most people cannot differentiate between a regular podiatrist and a sports podiatrist; although in the long run, the sports podiatrist is more generally known by people. These are even permanently hired by sports organizations, teams, clinics etc because of their importance on the field.

What do Sports & Exercise Physiotherapists do?

Podiatrist Forest Hill are highly trained professionals in terms of treating the musculoskeletal disorders of the athletes and sportsmen. This area was specified because of the degree of injuries and problems was different to that of other issues that are concerned to a general podiatrist. Sports podiatrists use quick and instant hand techniques to treat and massage foot pain area and injury with advanced physical methods so that this prevents any further injury and issues for the sportsmen.

What Issues Do Sports Physiotherapists Treat?

  • Joint-related Injuries such as some serious ligament injuries often occur in sports which is why, a sports podiatrist helps in treatment of foot injuries.
  • Orthotics in Forest Hill help with fitting the best orthotics for your feet.
  • Concussions (commonly known as head injuries) are also treated by a sports physiotherapist. This is because normally, concussion occurs because of extreme pressure on the head by an external force which may cause damage to the brain.
  • Acute or chronic pain related to the muscle injuries in the body.
  • Arthritis and other inflammatory issues can affect the performance of an athlete which is why it is important to get it treated by a sports physiotherapist.
  • Runner’s Knee- Pain or dysfunction at the front of the knee which occurs during normal functions like walking and running.
  • Achilles tendon pain is one of the most commonly occurring problems in sports and occurs either due to muscle imbalance, improper footwear, no warm up before the game etc.
  • Shin splints mostly occur in activities such as running. It is commonly caused by stiffness or more than habitual use of the muscles, so it results in pain.
  • Tennis elbow – This occurs due to problems in the tendons around the elbow, where the muscles attach. A sharp pain is felt when you move the wrist and area around the bony surfaces of the elbow become sensitive and tender.
  • Groin pain is one of the most horrendous pains which is also common in sports. It can be caused by many reasons among which some are:

Dysfunction of the muscles in the area

Stiffness of the spine or pelvis joints

Hip problems

Muscle imbalance around the hip

Nerve Stress


It is safe to say that a qualified podiatrists Forest Hill east have a lot of experience when it comes to giving body training advice, rehabilitation, training methods, restoring strength of muscles etc all which are important to an athlete. In fact, the physical assessment performed by a sports physiotherapist is crucial for you to gain a place in a sports team.

Getting your wisdom teeth extracted

Wisdom teeth are a set of molars that come into existence at the age of 17-25. Wisdom teeth are tricky, and it’s really not an easy thing to get these molars out of your jaw. It can be complicated if you are already going through some infections in your mouth. First, the dentist will examine your teeth and then further direct you to an oral surgeon like Nick Rutherford or Jason Savage who will then do the procedure.

It is never a good thing to keep them inside as it can cause further complications. Wisdom teeth never grow like normal teeth and so can affect the surrounding teeth followed by acute pain at times. One can take painkillers to avoid the pain but it is never really enough because it’s not the ultimate solution to the problem.

Why go for the procedure?

  • Wisdom teeth as I mentioned earlier, never grow like the rest of the teeth. They grow at the very end of the jaw and in the process, can get stuck inside the jaw bone which can be extremely hurtful.
  • It can be a real mess if they’re growing in the wrong angle. It’s when the real pain triggers and makes you numb from the jaw affecting the adjacent teeth as well.
  • It is also important because your mouth can only capacitate a set number of teeth at once, if it exceeds the number, it creates pressure to other teeth and it’s not at all good.

The procedure

The procedure’s time can vary between 10-60 minutes depending on the case. Usually the upper wisdom tooth doesn’t take much time for extraction, but the lower one creates more issues because of the structure. One can go through different scenarios when going for the surgery. The most common are pain, bleeding, swelling or infection. For all of the aftermath, you’ll be given some intensive care medicines. For whatever the oral surgeon Jason Savage, doctor or team at Yarra Oral Maxillofacial Surgery has prescribed needs to be followed because sometimes infections can occur after the surgery and for that you should take all the preventive measure.

The recovery can take about a week and it’s better to go off work because the pain might be just too much to focus on work. During this time, go for a gentle bite while having something to eat as the wound is still fresh. Plus if you want to get rid of the numbness, an icepack would be an amazing bet for such times. Until the wound is totally healed, you should also keep away from rubbing the affected area.

The quickest way to heal the wound might be to rinse your mouth with warm saline water. This will lessen the swelling and make the numbness go away.

Taking everything into consideration, it is always the most sensible option to get your wisdom teeth extracted as it will prevent you from any more complications. Yes the procedure might be painful, but in comparison to all the problems that are on stake here, it’s not even close.