What is the Difference Between Massage and Remedial Massage?

When it comes to determining which type of massage is best for you, it all depends on your individual goals. Relaxation massage is great for those looking to de-stress and improve their overall wellbeing while remedial massage may be better for those seeking relief from musculoskeletal pain or injuries.

A remedial massage uses a variety of techniques including PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) stretching, myofascial release and cross fiber friction to help treat injured areas of the body.

Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage is a form of therapeutic bodywork that seeks to locate and repair areas of the soft tissue that are damaged, tense or knotted. It’s a highly effective massage treatment for the rehabilitation and healing of sports injuries, as well as for chronic pain and other medical conditions like fibromyalgia, back pain or neck pain.

Modern Medicine therapists are highly trained and have specific techniques that allow them to assess and identify issues in your body. They’ll start with a full health history to get a better understanding of what you’re experiencing and why you’ve booked in for a remedial massage. Then, they’ll take you through some range of motion and joint tests to help them understand your mobility and how it may be affecting your body.

This information will then be used to create a treatment plan for you, which will include the remedial massage techniques that your therapist thinks will be most beneficial. Remedial massages typically involve deep pressure applied to specific areas of the body, kneading and manipulating the soft tissue. This type of massage tends to be more clinical than a relaxation massage and is often subsidised by private health insurance. Getting regular remedial massage in Ballarat can help ease a range of conditions from sporting injuries to chronic pain and even migraines. It can help with things like stiff shoulders, hips and back problems as well as headaches and whiplash.

Relaxation Massage

Relaxation massage is a great option for those who want to de-stress and get their body feeling more refreshed. It can help reduce the effects of stress, improve sleep patterns, boost circulation and promote overall wellbeing. It uses flowing strokes and kneading techniques that are carried out at a pressure level that suits your personal needs.

Remedial massage is a targeted treatment that works with the muscular system to treat pain and tightness. Generally, this type of massage is performed as part of a wider physiotherapy treatment plan and it can benefit those who suffer from acute or chronic pain caused by tension, postural imbalances or soft tissue injuries.

During remedial massage, your practitioner will usually take the time to discuss your concerns with you and understand how you’re feeling before they start working on specific areas. They’ll also ask you to walk around the room and do some movements to observe your posture, understand any discomfort you might be experiencing and gain other information that will help them deliver a treatment that’s right for you.

It’s important to communicate with your therapist throughout the massage session, especially if there is a technique or area of focus that you don’t like or feel uncomfortable with. Remember, they aren’t mind-readers! Clear communication will ensure that you get the most out of your massage.

Deep Tissue Massage

In a deep tissue massage, sustained pressure is applied to the deeper muscle layers. This helps to break up scar tissue, increases range of motion and improve posture. It also relieves pain by breaking up the ‘knots’ that can develop in muscles after injury. This type of massage can be done as a one off treatment or over the course of a few treatments to aid in recovery from injury or chronic pain conditions.

A remedial massage is a hands on treatment that incorporates different massage techniques such as trigger point therapy, deep tissue and myofascial release to address injury and pain patterns. Unlike relaxation massage, it is more focused on injury treatment and rehabilitation and can often be claimed through HICAPS private health insurance.

Your remedial massage therapist will assess your body and the injury/pain pattern and develop a treatment plan. This may include a combination of massage techniques as well as stretches, exercises and home care to speed up your healing process and prevent the injury from returning. A remedial massage can help with chronic muscle tension or pain, sprains, sports injuries and even carpal tunnel syndrome. It is also a great preventative measure for office workers with frequent back or neck pain, poor posture and stress. It can also treat acute injuries such as whiplash.

Where to Get a Massage

Remedial massage is a more targeted therapeutic technique used to treat specific injuries or medical conditions. It’s often done in conjunction with other treatments and therapies, and is designed to relieve pain and improve flexibility. It also uses a range of techniques such as trigger point therapy and myofascial release. The firm pressure used during remedial massage can help to release tight muscle clusters that cause pain and restrict movement. This is why it’s generally considered to be more of a remedial and corrective treatment than a luxury pamper. This type of massage is usually done within a physiotherapy clinic and can sometimes be subsidised by private health insurance.

When you book a remedial massage, your therapist will start by asking you about any current issues or ailments and performing a range of tests to understand your situation better. These may include things like range of motion and joint tests, palpation of the muscles, PNF stretching (partner-assisted stretching that increases passive and isometric muscle flexibility) or myofascial release techniques such as cupping.

The bulk of the appointment will then be spent on the remedial massage itself, which can be quite intense and is often where the discomfort is found. The good news is that you can often relax into it once your therapist has identified the problem areas and applied the right techniques.