Finding the Right Orthotics in Adelaide: Your Ultimate Guide

Finding the Right Orthotics in Adelaide: Your Ultimate Guide

Orthotics are shoe inserts that help reduce the external forces on your feet and lower legs and restore normal movement patterns. They are an excellent treatment for a variety of foot and leg problems. They are also useful for preventing future problems by helping you to maintain good biomechanical alignment and control of your foot and lower leg.

We design, manufacture and supply custom made orthotics to clients with a referral from their General Practitioner or Allied Health Professional. We work closely with our clients to provide a high quality service that meets their individual needs. Our clinic is a state of the art facility that provides an extensive range of treatment options to meet the needs of patients with a wide variety of conditions.

The SA Running Injury Clinic provide a patient centred management of the provision of external supports (orthotics). We assess, design, make and fit orthoses to treat and manage musculoskeletal problems such as a foot, ankle or knee injury or arthritic condition. We also provide support to assist in rehabilitation and improve mobility of people with a limb loss.

Our orthotics are made using a combination of podiatry assessment, gait analysis and a 3D laser precision scan of your feet. This allows us to design an arch support specifically for your feet that are comfortable and fit well in your shoes. They are then made using cutting edge Australian technology and direct milled from either rigid or soft materials. Your orthotics are then double checked during your fitting appointment to ensure they fit comfortably and that you are happy with them.

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We are proud to be able to offer our customers a full range of orthotics Adelaide. Our clinically trained & certified orthotists have the expertise and knowledge to provide you with the best care for your foot and leg issues.

A foot or foot orthotic is an insole that helps to align the bones, muscles and tendons of your lower leg and feet. They are designed to prevent abnormal movement, relieve pain and pressure and increase stability. Foot orthotics are a great way to improve your quality of life, no matter what you do for a living.

Orthotics are a great tool to have for any athlete or sports person. They can help to improve performance, strength and endurance, as well as reducing the amount of stress or impact on the body during activity.

The SA Running Injury Clinic team provides a weekly service to the community of Adelaide and their regional communities. Referrals for this service can be made through the Allied Health area at your local hospital or from your GP.